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Interior/Original Formula Polymerized Tung Oil

Sutherland Welles Ltd.® Original Formula/Interior Polymerized Tung Oil is a beautiful, durable, and easy to use finish appropriate for a variety of interior finishing projects.

The first polymerized tung oil wood finish product that Sutherland Welles Ltd.® ever formulated uses the highest quality Tung Oil, sustainably grown and processed. Original Formula/Interior Polymerized Tung Oil creates the finest hand-rubbed, tung oil finish (can also be applied with brush) that will enhance the grain definition of your wood, while maintaining its color, without the use of volatile organic compounds (VOC exempt).

At Sutherland Welles Ltd.®, we believe Tung Oil is the best choice for an oil-based wood finish. Tung oil will not yellow, darken, mold or mildew like linseed oil. Tung oil will not crack or peel like polyurethane. Tung oil surpasses shellac and linseed oil in hardness, durability, and water resistance. Tung oil is 100% food-safe, once cured. Tung oil is easy to apply and repair. Our Tung Oil polymerization process improves durability, drying time, luster, and enhances grain and natural color of wood. Polymerization of Tung oil allows use to use small quantities of very low toxic chemical driers and we add VOC exempt and low VOC solvents making out Polymerized Tung Oil Wood Finishes environmentally friendly.

Did you know that a product can call itself a Tung Oil Finish and contain very little to no tung oil? All of our Polymerized Tung Oil products contain a minimum of 25% tung oil in their formulations, quite a few contain more, the higher the product’s luster the more tung oil in the formulation.

Original/Interior Polymerized Tung Oil Sealer

Our Original/Interior Polymerized Tung Oil Sealer is formulated as a penetrating base coat made with our Polymerized Tung Oil to condition your wood.

Our Original/Interior Polymerized Tung Oil Sealer can also be added to any of our Old World Concentrated Stains to lower the color saturation of the stain.

Our Original/Interior Polymerized Tung Oil Sealer can also be used on rough-hewn timbers and mantles to enhance the grain and color of the wood without creating a “finished look”

Original/Interior Polymerized Tung Oil Low, Medium and High Lustre

Sutherland Welles Ltd.® Original Formula/Interior Polymerized Tung Oil Low Lustre creates a beautiful hand-rubbed low luster/satin patina on interior finishing projects. For most wood species, four coats creates a satin finish. Sutherland Welles Ltd.® Original Formula/Interior Polymerized Tung Oil Low Lustre does not contain flattening agents. The sheen is controlled through application of coats for protection, the amount of polymerized tung oil in each luster creates the sheen.

Sutherland Welles Ltd.® Original Formula/Interior Polymerized Tung Oil Medium Lustre is an excellent choice to obtain a semi-gloss sheen for your interior wood finishing projects. For most wood species, four coats creates a medium luster finish. Medium Lustre Original Formula/Interior Polymerized Tung Oil contains more tung oil than our low lustre, the amount of tung oil in Original Formula/Interior Polymerized Tung Oil creates the luster, while also offering higher protection.

Sutherland Welles Ltd.® Original Formula/Interior Polymerized Tung Oil High Lustre is an excellent choice to obtain a gloss sheen for your interior wood finishing projects. For most wood species, four coats creates a high luster finish. Sutherland Welles Ltd.® Original Formula/Interior Polymerized Tung Oil High Lustre contains the most amount of Tung Oil in the Original Formula line. It’s the product of choice when you want to create a high sheen and the most protection for a project.

It’s also a great choice if you want to be able to create different sheens without having to buy the other lustres. Sutherland Welles Ltd.® Original Formula/Interior Polymerized Tung Oil High Lustre can be diluted with Mineral Spirits to create each of the other Lustres. It’s as easy as 1 -2-3!

High – 1 part + Mineral Spirits – 1 part = Sealer

High – 2 parts + Mineral Spirits – 1 part = Low

High – 3 parts + Mineral Spirits – 1 part = Medium

Projects Instructions for Interior/Original Formula

Video Tutorial


Original Formula/Interior Polymerized Tung Oil SEALER PDF

Original Formula/Interior Polymerized Tung Oil LOW LUSTRE PDF

Original Formula/Interior Polymerized Tung Oil MEDIUM LUSTRE PDF

Original Formula/Interior Polymerized Tung Oil HIGH LUSTRE PDF