Wiping Varnish
Sutherland Welles Ltd.® Wiping Varnish provides extra protection to surfaces where water and food items might be used as in dining room and coffee tables while maintaining a hand-rubbed appearance and feel.
Sutherland Welles Ltd.® Wiping Varnish was our first line of resin fortified Polymerized Tung Oil finishes that are made using our polymerized tung oil and resin. This hybrid tung oil-resin system allows you to apply as a hand wiped finish, making it very user-friendly just like our Original Formula Polymerized Tung Oil and Botanical Polymerized Tung Oil. The solvent in the Wiping Varnish is VOC exempt, has minimal odor and a slow evaporation rate, allowing for more open time for application prior to set-up and the need to wipe.