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StopLossBag Kits


These bags are a great way to store unused finish for future projects.

Since the air can be squeezed out, the finish won’t oxidize and will be preserved.

Each bag holds a quart of finish.

StopLossBag Starter Kit:

  • 2 Bags
  • 2 Caps
  • 1 Funnel
  • 1 Filler Tube
  • 1 Adapter
  • 1 Filler Clip
SKU: Select size Category:


For years we have been searching for the best way to store residual product from a project.

We’ve added water to a can, we’ve transferred the Tung Oil to glass jars, and used Bloxygen but nothing has ever proven to be as perfect a solution as the The Stop Loss Bags.

The bags are made with a plastic that can withstand a variety of solvents and not breakdown so the product is preserved in an oxygen free environment and remains self stable infinitely. You don’t have to worry about it resting in any certain position as the tight cap closure keeps the Tung Oil secured in the bag. Our affordable kit comes with all the parts you need to fill a bag and are reusable.

Additional bags and caps can be purchased for future use.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

2 Additional bags, Starter Kit